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Love working with kids, being outdoors, and sharing your passion for the environment? Join the BZS Summer Aqua Camps as a: - Aqua Camp Counsellor- Aqua Camp Assistant- After-Camp Counsellor & Assistant   Make a splash this summer while inspiring young minds!   Give them a call or vist their website for more info.

by Yabsta
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6 results found in Bermuda for live music in bermuda
Before Canjelae Taylor heads out on her next adventure in the U.K., she made some time for tea with BYP....
by Kristen
You can't beat these Bermuda breakfast spots! 
by ChelseO
Don't miss these exciting America's Cup events in Bermuda! 
by ChelseO
Don't miss these great holiday events and activities in Bermuda! 
The Louis Vuitton America's Cup World Series is finally here! Read on for what you need to know. 
by ChelseO
Bermuda's holidays are steeped in tradition and culture.
by Yabsta
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